eSIM Thumbnail

Maldives(ooredoo)-10 Natural Days-20GB,0kbps+eSIM Carrier

  • Product Type: ESIM + fixed data plan
  • Data Type: Total
  • Data Plan: 20GB
  • Network Speed: 0kbps
  • Days:
  • Quantity:
  • Total Price: $1234600

Coverage & Network

About the product

10 days bundle validity.Total high speed data cap 20GB <br>*Natural Day means 00:00-24:00 based on “UTC+5” TimeZone <br>*Hotspot sharing:support <br>*Coverage and Operator:<br>Maldives-Ooredoo,Network-4G,APN-ooredoodata;

How to get your eSIM QR Code

After successfully placing your order, locate it in 'My Order,' click 'eSIM Instruction,' and follow the guide in 'Installation Guide Step 1' to find and use your eSIM QR Code for installation.


1. To check whether the mobile phone supports the eSIM function, you can dial*#06#. If EID is displayed, it generally means that eSIM is supported.
2. We recommend to install eSIM after you arrive in destination or before you board your flight.
3. Please be noted that you need to have a stable network/WiFi connection when installing eSIM.
4. Please turn off the data roaming function of the original SIM Card to avoid high roaming fees.